Weight Guidelines For Florida Health Insurance

Weight guidelines for Florida health insurance companies were developed as a step in determining coverage rates. While these eight guidelines are not standardized, most insurance companies use charts within a few pounds of one another. Your weight does help determine your monthly premium or in some cases can result in coverage being declined altogether. Weight guidelines for Florida health insurance serve many purposes and these are explained below.

Obesity Related Health Problems

Obesity causes more than 30 health related problems. Some of the most common aliments caused by being overweight are high blood pressure, heart attacks, and Type 2 Diabetes. Studies are continuing to prove that obesity is also a major contributor to some types of cancer such as colon cancer. Over the past decade, health insurance companies have seen a steady rise followed by a sharp rise in the amount of money paid out for health problems related to overweight or obese customers. This is one of the reasons that weight guidelines have been established.

Obesity Related Health Care Statistics

Health insurance premiums for overweight people are typically 3 to 4 times higher than a premium for a person of average weight. This is due to the fact that weight related illnesses cost so much money to treat. Studies show that treatment for a heart attack totals $44,000, the treatment for a stroke averages $42,200 and treatment for kidney disease averages $37,000. Considering that there are over 21 million Americans who are obese, these statistics have caused insurance companies to rethink weight guidelines.

Health Insurance and Obesity

Health insurance companies know that the likelihood of having to cover these weight related illnesses and emergencies is much great for someone who is overweight. Therefore, they add an extra premium charge for those who are overweight and may decline coverage for those who are obese. There are some insurance companies that will cover an obese person, but monthly premiums are much higher. Not being honest about weight on a health insurance application will result in denial of coverage should you seek treatment for a weight related illness.

Weight Guidelines Chart

The most typical way a health insurance company will determine benefits is by looking at a weight guideline chart. In general, if you are 20 pounds overweight, you will be charged extra. If you are more than 20 pounds overweight, you are in danger of being denied coverage. As weight increases, so do certain health risks which make those who are overweight at risk customers. Many health insurance companies will deny coverage to high risk people.
To determine obesity, many insurance companies will not only use height and weight but also Body Mass Index (BMI). To calculate your BMI, you take your weight in kilograms and divide it by your height in meters squared. To be considered overweight, your BMI will fall into the range of 25-29.9. Those with a BMI of 30 or more are considered obese. Since this method is recommended by the National Institutes of Health, more and more insurance companies are switching to this method of determining weight guidelines.

Health Insurance Options

If you are overweight or obese there are options for you. Sometimes simply losing 5 pounds will put you into another category on the weight guideline chart so you won’t have to pay extra, so this is one option. Or you can get a specialized plan such as a Secure 12×3 STM plan. This type of coverage is available in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, D.C., Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

A STM plan does not ask your weight or height but you must be able to answer “no” to seven important questions. One of these questions asks if you have been diagnosed or treated for cancer, stroke, chest pain, alcohol or chemical dependency, insulin-dependent diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, joint disease of the knee, COPD, if you have had heart surgery, or degenerative disc disease or bulge.

An STM plan has the choice of 3 or 4 deductibles which are per person up to three family members. At the beginning of the policy, you can choose your deductible. There are no co-pays but there is co-insurance. The choices of co-insurance are 80/20 up to $5,000 or 50/50 up to $5,000. Though these amounts may be higher than a traditional policy, it is a much better option than going without insurance.

Another option is to get Core Health Insurance coverage. This type of coverage has no deductibles, no co-pay, no coinsurance, and no medical questions. Prices are based on your zip code, your gender, and your age. Monthly premiums range from $50-$400 per month. The premium amount is based on what type of coverage and benefits you want to have available to you.

Compare FL Health Insurance Plans Now!

If you want information about what Florida health insurance plans will work for you, you can use the FL health insurance quote comparison tool on this page right now to compare rates and quotes from top companies. If you still have questions after using the tool, you can contact one of our experienced independent agents to help you. You don’t have to let weight guidelines for Florida health insurance stop you from finding the coverage you need.